THE controversial Bournemouth “superclub” V will be formally disbanded if councillors allow part of the site to be reopened as a bar and restaurant.

The original owners of Hampton's bar and restaurant - which was merged with V last year to make the gaint superclub - want to exercise a clause in their contract to take back Hamptons and re-open it as a bar/ restaurant run independently of V. 

The building was initially a church hall and was converted into a restaurant around eight years ago. It later became Hampton’s lounge bar and restaurant and subsequently the Viper Lounge but last year it was merged with V to become one big nightclub.

V was closed down and had its licence formally revoked in March following a serious stabbing on the premises.

It is now under the new ownership of Gary Bennetton, who is in the process of applying for a new licence so he can reopen the club.

The licensing application for Hamptons, which will be considered by the council on Thursday, states: “The application is... in effect to reinstate the position as it was before the licences were combined and to again operate the applicant premises as an upmarket bar lounge and restaurant rather than as part of a ‘superclub’.

"The orginal owners of the lease have a debenture which they are exercising so that control of that company will revert to them and they propose to operate the application premises entirely seperately from V."

However, the application has sparked objections from town centre councillors and a rival business, who oppose their intention to stay open until 3am on weekends and 2am during the week.

Cllr Bob Chapman said: “I would suggest that a 1am closing time would be more than generous particularly as there are now an increased number of flats in the adjacent building which has been extended over the last two years.

“A closing time of 3am is not acceptable at that location.”

Cllr David Smith said: “These premises were originally given permission to open as a restaurant some years ago and that is what the use should be. It is not necessary for a restaurant/cafe bar to be open until these times.”

Peter Tisdale, writing on behalf of THAT Bournemouth Company which intends to build two hotels and apartments at nearby Terrace Mount, also expressed concerns over noise nuisance for current and future residents.