Poole marathon runner Steve Way has spoken of his “disbelief” about two attacks at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

The FBI is today hunting those responsible for a terror attack on the Boston Marathon which left at least three people dead, including an eight-year-old boy.

Hundreds were injured, many suffering shrapnel wounds, in the two blasts which rocked the finish line.

Massachusetts General Hospital said ''several amputations'' had to be performed on survivors.

It thought around nine people from Dorset and Hampshire were taking part in the marathon.

Steve, who won the Bournemouth Bay Half Marathon event earlier this month with a time of 67.54, is taking part in the London Marathon on Sunday.

He said: “It beggars belief really. Sport is something that has always been outside the kind of thing that is targeted by these individuals – now that is not the case.”

Steve, 38, who works for Barclays in Poole, said the tragic incident on Monday will not stop him heading to London on Sunday.

“If you start letting these things rule your life you are not going to get anywhere in life. I will still be focussing on my race in London on Sunday and won’t be letting it impact on my day.

“Of course we will be remembering our fellow runners and supporters in Boston and I think there will be a moment for us to do this before the event starts. It is very sad.”


Horrendous news from Boston. Our thoughts & prayers to all.

— Poole Runners (@poolerunners) April 15, 2013

Purbeck runner Darren Lock was listed on the Boston Marathon site as an entrant, but did not actually compete, writing on his Facebook page: "Just seen the news in Boston. Ffs was supposed to be running that."

Neil Kilgour, Director of the Bournemouth Marathon Festival, said: “We are shocked by the events we’ve seen unfold in Boston and our thoughts are with the injured and their families.

“It is a sad day for the running community. Runners’ safety is our primary concern. We work very closely with the police and emergency services when organising all the events over the Bournemouth Marathon Festival weekend and follow their advice.”

Jon Sharkey will be travelling to London with fellow members of Bournemouth Athletic Club and hopes organisers will hold a minutes silence before the event to remember those caught up in the Boston blasts.

He said: “Hopefully the image of tens of thousands of runners showing their support and solidarity will be just a strong as the image of Monday’s devastation.

“It is an event that epitomises human spirit and it’s only right that we make a stand. I don’t think anything like that is going to deter us. You have to carry on, you cannot let things like that affect you.”


RT for a minute silence at the start of Sunday's @londonmarathon for those who sadly lost their lives in Boston today

— Jon Sharkey (@SharkeyJon) April 15, 2013

A Twitter campaign is also building to get London Marathon runners to put their hands over their hearts as they cross the finish line.

The Boston Marathon is held each year on Patriots' Day.

Ed Davis, the city's Police Commissioner, said there had been two ''simultaneous explosions'' near the finish line of the 26.2-mile event.

''Each scene resulted in multiple casualties,'' he told a press conference. The first explosion occurred just before the photo bridge that marks the finish line. The second explosion could be heard a few seconds later.

They occurred about four hours into the race, a time when large numbers of runners would be finishing, with many more relatives and friends cheering them on.

As many as two unexploded bombs were also found near the end of the course as part of what appeared to be a well-co-ordinated attack, but they were safely disarmed, according to a senior US intelligence official.

A list of competitors on the Boston Marathon website showed hundreds of British and Irish runners were expected to line up for the race.

Prime Minister David Cameron led politicians in tweeting their solidarity with those affected, saying: ''The scenes from Boston are shocking and horrific - my thoughts are with all those who have been affected.''

Security for the London Marathon on Sunday will be reviewed following the explosions, Metropolitan Police Chief Superintendent Julia Pendry, the event commander for the race, said.

Sports Minister Hugh Robertson insisted he was ''absolutely confident'' that the London event could be kept safe.

Asked if he believed it should still go ahead, he told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: ''Yes, I do.

''These are balance of judgments but we are absolutely confident here that we can keep the event safe and secure.

''I think this is one of those incidents where the best way to show solidarity with Boston is to continue and send a very clear message to those responsible...''

Nick Bitel, the chief executive of London Marathon, said: ''We are deeply saddened and shocked by the news from Boston.

''Our immediate thoughts are with the people there and their families. It is a very sad day for athletics and for our friends and colleagues in marathon running.

''Our security plan is developed jointly with the Metropolitan Police, and we were in contact with them as soon as we heard the news.''

Police were searching a flat in the Boston suburb of Revere as part of the investigation. Massachusetts State Police confirmed that a search warrant was served last night but gave no more details.

There were no immediate claims of responsibility for the terror attack, the most serious in the US since the 9/11 World Trade Centre atrocity.Al Qaida-linked groups and militant white extremists have attacked targets in America in the past.

President Barack Obama, speaking from the White House, avoided using the words ''terror'' or ''terrorism'', saying officials ''still do not know who did this or why''.

In a televised address, he said those responsible will feel the ''full weight of justice''.

However, a White House official later said the explosions at one of the world's oldest and most prestigious marathons was being treated as terrorism.

Bill Bratton, a former head of Boston police who is now based in London, said: ''Unfortunately in my country there are no shortage of potential suspects, if you will.''

He told Sky News there had been no warning that an attack may have been imminent.

''To the best of my understanding and from my sources there was no sense that there was going to be anything occurring at that marathon.''

Asked about the potential threat to Baroness Thatcher's funeral tomorrow and the London Marathon this weekend, he said: ''Needless to say, nobody does it better than British police services in policing these kinds of events.

''You've had all too many experiences with the actual attacks, so certainly security will be ramped up from the already extraordinarily high levels originally planned for these events.''

He said there would be a ''determined effort'' to find those responsible and bring them to justice, adding: ''America, like Great Britain, is resilient and will not cower in the face of terrorism.''

Horrifying images of injured spectators and blood-spattered pavements were caught as television cameras broadcast footage of the explosions.

Participants were also seen lying on the ground as the impact tore through the finish line, sending smoke and debris soaring into the air.

Emergency workers ripped away fencing as others carried injured men and women from the scene.