IF the name David Squire rings a bell, it should do.

For a large number of people have heard of him and heard him, particularly in Poole.

For the past 55 years David has been shouting out oyez! oyez! and ringing his bell as Poole’s town crier.

And since David started ‘crying out’ when he was 15, that makes him the world’s longest serving crier.

There’s something quintessentially British about town crying.

And David has typified this by carrying out his work at tens of thousands of events.

He’s also kept the proud tradition going without claiming a penny.

His role is unpaid and he supplies his own uniform.

In an era where a number of people won’t volunteer without payment, it’s refreshing to find people like David who are willing to give up their free time to spread a little joy in other people’s lives without it hitting the public purse.