A PENSIONER attacked by a dog in a Bournemouth park is appealing for help to trace the owner who walked off without even an apology.

Jacqueline Weager was in Meyrick Park with her husband Allen and their daughter’s Cavalier King Charles spaniel Belle when the boxer suddenly bit her left hand.

She said: “We met a woman on a path close to Elgin Road with two boxers on leads. The next thing I knew my hand was in the jaws of one of the dogs; luckily I had gloves on.

“The woman said ‘She’s never done that before’ before walking away. It was only after she had gone that I felt an indescribable pain. When I took off my glove there was blood and I could see puncture marks on my hand and fingers.”

Retired insurance executive Allen said: “Fortunately we are both fit. If that dog had bitten a child or someone very frail the consequences could have been much worse.”

After returning to their Talbot Woods home February 25, Jacqueline sought medical advice.

Police are appealing for help to trace the dog owner who is in her 60s, about 5ft 7in tall with white, short hair. Phone 101, with incident number 28:85, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.