A LIFELINE for people in Bournemouth suffering with serious lung conditions is facing an uncertain future because of a shortfall of members.

Justin Parsons, the regional manager for The British Lung Foundation which runs Breathe Easy – a self-help support group for people with long term lung conditions and their carers said: “Due to ill health of existing members as well as deaths, the group is struggling to survive and desperately needs new members. We know that there are countless people in Bournemouth who would benefit from talks by local doctors and nurses.”

Jan Mouland secretary of Breathe Easy Bournemouth, joined the group after she was diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) five years ago.

“Unfortunately the nature of the disease means that many of our members have passed away,” she explains.

“Whereas we used to get around 20 people at one of meetings, now we are lucky to get half a dozen at times.”

COPD is an umbrella term for people with chronic bronchitis or emphysema.

It is estimated that around three million people in the UK have COPD although many may be unaware they have the condition at first.

Symptoms may include a persistent cough and breathless.

“There are so many people walking around with COPD who don’t know they have it until the symptoms gets worse. I used to get very breathless but I just ignored it and would plod on.”

Although Jan’s condition was diagnosed six years ago, she thinks it can be traced back around 26 years ago when she had a persistent cough for ten months.

“It was dreadful. The doctors never got to the bottom of what was causing it at the time but it stopped as suddenly as it started”.

But Jan who lives in Branksome, and was hospitalised last September, says she doesn’t know how she would have coped without the support Breathe Easy.

“I have been very lucky though as I haven’t had a flare up since then whereas it used to be around seven times a year.

“But I don’t know if I would be doing quite so well if I hadn’t had the support from the group over the years. It is such a friendly group. There’s no membership fee and you get access to so much support and information.

“You learn techniques to help you cope and it is also a comfort to know that there is someone at the end of the phone.”

For more information about Breathe Easy Bournemouth, contact Jan Mouland on 01202 769697 or mobile 078702 63892.