DISTRICT councillors voted against plans for a new NHS dentist’s surgery in Verwood yesterday despite strong public support.

Although a number of residents backed the application for the single-storey building, to be placed on scrub land in Howe Lane, concerns about parking and traffic chaos led to a refusal.

Councillors also found that the proposed site of the new building would appear cramped on the relatively narrow patch of ground and could be detrimental to the street scene.

Carolyn Macy of Howe Lane, whose father’s company owns the land, said: “The world and his wife want another NHS dentist for Verwood.

“On the Verwoodians Facebook site, people are saying it’s a no brainer. People are having to travel to Salisbury or Blandford or Fordingbridge to see an NHS dentist.”

Despite its growing size, Verwood has just two NHS dentists and one private surgery.

Mrs Macy said: “We already have an NHS dentist who wants to take on the building.

“It just doesn’t make sense that councillors would refuse the application.”

Neighbour Sarah Sumner said the site is currently just scrub land between two bungalows.

“What else are they going to use it for?” Mrs Sumner said.

“It’s really refreshing to see people unite together to support something like this. We’ve never minded people building more houses in the town – all we want is the infrastructure to support the new buildings.”

The site cannot be developed for housing as it is within 400 metres of Dewlands Common.

Town mayor Simon Gibson spoke in support of the plans at the meeting.

He said: “The location has many benefits.

“The idea of it becoming a dentist’s so close to the school is a good thing.”

However, Cllr Ann Warman said: “If the dentist’s is working at full capacity we will have a massive parking problem.”

Cllr Toni Coombes, who represents Verwood Dewlands, said she would back the building on a series of conditions, including restriction to use as a dental surgery only.

She said: “I am disappointed at the outcome and the short-sightedness of the other members of the committee.”