TWO new 'landmark' hotels in Bournemouth town centre are set to create more than 100 full-time jobs.

The founder of the Ted Baker clothing company is a major backer of the Terrace Mount scheme which will involve two Hilton hotels and 60 apartments.

Ted Baker’s managing director Ray Kelvin, who opened his first store in Glasgow in 1988, told borough councillors how he is investing “tens of millions of pounds” in the development.

London-based THAT Group plans to build an “iconic” four or five-star hotel, topped with a sky bar, and a two or three-star hotel on the former car park site.

Mr Kelvin attended a town hall planning board meeting when members were briefed on minor amendments to the scheme, including an additional storey on the tower and 19 extra car- parking spaces. Approval for the major development was granted in October 2010.

Planning board vice-chairman Cllr Ron Whittaker said: “We want to see something happening on this site sooner rather than later.”

Developers insisted that, despite “a difficult market,” Hilton Hotels remained committed to Bourne-mouth and was confident that the two hotels would prosper.

Mr Kelvin told members: “This development is going to be shiny and beautiful. Bournemouth is a second home to my family and I’ve personally put tens of millions into the scheme. I used to come here with my parents, on holiday, in the good old days and I love the town.”

Cllr Barry Goldbart said: “I’m always impressed by developers who have a lot of patience; this has been going on for seven years.

“As ward councillor I am very keen to see something moving on this site at last. It is all very well having a lot of budget hotels but it is the four-star hotels and above which bring money into the town.”

Chairman David Kelsey said there were no concerns over the revised plans, adding: “Hopefully, we will see someone on site at the start of June.”

Speaking after the meeting, THAT Group director Peter Tisdale said the development would take around two years to complete. He added: “It involves significant investment and will create more than 100 full-time jobs.”