A Poole cyclist who believes he was targeted by thieves who followed him home and stole his expensive bicycle is warning others to be wary.

Eddie Wilkinson had been on a training ride around Poole Harbour and Purbeck and thinks he must have been shadowed home from the Sandbanks ferry.

His £3,000 carbon racing bike, was secured behind two sets of locked gates and a locked outhouse, but determined thieves broke in and stole it.

“Speaking with the police and local bike suppliers, it appears that thieves are waiting at popular biking areas, such as at the harbour entrance as in my case, and following people on bikes which they feel they can profit from if stolen,” he said.

Richard Hilton-Foster, left, owner of Ride cycle shop in Lower Parkstone said: “We get someone in every day now who has had their bike stolen. It has been getting worse all year.”

He said it was well known that cyclists were followed from “hotspots” and not only those with expensive, customised machines. Bikes or parts were quickly sold on through internet websites.

His advice to cyclists included keeping a note of the frame number, taking a photo of yourself with your bike, keep it securely locked and check your house insurance.

In response to a rise in reported pedal cycle thefts, Poole South Safer Neighbourhood Team launched Operation Crossbar in July and several arrests were made.

A police spokesman said they had not had any reports in Poole of people being followed home.