KYE SEAN DONOHOE aged 20 of Gladstone Road, Bournemouth. Admitted criminal damage to property at Bournemouth Police Station. Community order made. Defendant must carry out unpaid work for 150 hours within the next 12 months. To pay compensation of £49. Also admitted damaging two internal doors and a mobile phone . Restraining order made not to contact named person except through named third party. To pay compensation of £100. Also admitted having a pocket knife in a public place. Community order made as above. Also sentenced for offence for which a conditional discharge was made on November 29 2011: posessing cannabis. Community order as above.

JONATHAN MARK PRAGER aged 48 of Corhampton Road, Bournemouth. Admitted being in possession of a quantity of cocaine, a Class A drug. Discharged conditionally for two years. Costs of £85. Also admitted possessing diamorphine, a class A drug. Discharged conditionally for two years.

LUKASZ PRZYBYLSKI aged 27 of St Johns Road, Bournemouth. Admitted assault by beating a woman. Community order to carry out unpaid work for 150 hours within 12 months. To pay compensation of £75. Also admitted assault on a man causing actually bodily harm. Community order made as above. To pay compensation of £300.

CHRISTOPHER TAYLOR aged 25 of St Paul’s night shelter. Admitted theft of powdered baby milk worth £56.94 from Sainsburys on Christchurch Road. Fined £120. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £85.

SARAH LOUISE MIST aged 21 of Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth. Admitted assault on another women by beating her. Community order made. The defendant is required to be under curfew for eights weeks and electronically monitored. Also to carry out unpaid work for 80 hours within the next 12 months. To pay compensation of £100. To pay victim surcharge of £60.

MARK MONTGOMERY aged 41 of The Crescent, Bournemouth. Admitted possession of a quantity of Diazepam, a Class C drug. Community order made. The defendant must have treatment for drug dependency. Costs of £85.

DAVID ANDREW MOSS aged 27 of Ibbett Road, Bournemouth. Admitted harassment with violence. Discharged conditionally for two years. Restraining order prohibiting contact with victim or entering prescribed area. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £85.

BEVERLEY KEEPING aged 26 of Paddington Grove, Bournemouth. Proved in absence that she failed to give information relating to the identification of the driver of a Vauxhall who was alleged to have been guilty of an offence. Fined £110. Victim surcharge of £15. Cost £85. Disqualified driving for six months. Licence endorsed with six points.

LEE MALE aged 51 of Christchurch Road, Bournemouth. Admitted theft of various items, to the value of £142.52 belonging to Tesco Stores Ltd. Conditional discharge of 18 months. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs £85.