IN a separate case against Kevin Sherwood, Bournemouth Magistrates Court heard how he flouted building regulations while working at the home of an elderly couple at Bear Cross.

Sherwood pleaded guilty to four charges brought by Bournemouth trading standards, including failing to inform Edward and Barbara Longcroft of their right to cancel the work he started in September 2011.

The couple, aged 89 and 81, originally contracted Sherwood’s firm Kinson Roofing to have repairs done, but were told the roof would need to be replaced.

Over the next few weeks he charged them £25,500 for the work, money they had put aside in case one of them needed to go into care.

“We felt we had to have the work done as soon as possible as the winter was drawing in,” said Mrs Longcroft.

“One of us will probably have to go into care and the money we spent should have been used for that.

“We are not broke but I have had to cut back on housekeeping, and it is not easy these days.”

Sherwood was sentenced to 14 days imprisonment to run alongside his current 12-month sentence for fraud.

Mr Longcroft said they didn’t feel the sentence was adequate.

“We get no compensation for what he has done to us, and this is no deterrent to other cowboy builders out there,” he added.