KEVIN Sherwood said “I love you” to family in the public gallery as he was taken away to start his one-year prison sentence.

The 53-year-old, of Wimborne Road, Bournemouth was convicted of fraud by false representation after a trial.

David Gibson-Lee, in mitigation at Bournemouth Crown Court, said that “although unnecessary”, the work at Mr Read and Mrs Williamson’s home was “done properly” in August 2011.

Judge Peter Johnson said Sherwood “duped” the elderly couple into paying for the new roof after being called to carry out “minor work”.

“You then orchestrated an operation where the roof was damaged in relation to the felt, which according to you meant the entire replacement of the roof and you knew that was wrong,” the judge said.

“It was dishonest and you took advantage of an elderly couple.”

He sentenced Sherwood to one year in prison and gave him a five-year criminal anti social behaviour order, which includes the requirement to give notice to trading standards before entering contracts with anybody aged over-75 or accepting payments of more than £500.

Detective Constable Martin Farrington said: “Kevin Sherwood took advantage of a vulnerable elderly victim.

“I hope that this sentence sends a clear message that such actions will not be tolerated. I would also like to remind members of the public to be vigilant, keep a look-out for vulnerable family, friends and neighbours, and to report any suspicious activity to the police.”