DEVELOPERS of a failed supermarket bid in Christchurch are taking their fight further.

Simons Developments, which applied to build a Morrisons supermarket on the Beagle Technology Group site at Stony Lane in Christchurch, has appealed to the secretary of state for communities and local government against the council’s decision to refuse the proposal.

Councillors at Christchurch refused to permit the development at a planning committee meeting last month.

It was the second time the decision had been before the committee after a previous decision to refuse the application was scrapped earlier in the year. But now, following the issuing of decision notices, the developers have appealed.

Graeme Cosgrove, developments director of Simons Developments, said: “We have appealed against the decision to refuse our application for planning permission.

“We will wait for an appeal date and we are hopeful that we will be successful in delivering a new Morrisons food store on the Beagle site along with all of the other benefits our proposals would bring.”

John Taylor, managing director of Beagle Technology Group said: “We have appealed against the refusal by the council – we will wait and see what happens when we get to appeal in due course.

“Morrisons are supporting the appeal. We remain committed to bringing Morrisons to the Beagle site at Christchurch and in doing so securing and creating new jobs at Beagle and Morrisons.”

Beagle had hoped to relocate to Bournemouth Airport, should the application have gone ahead.

The company claimed its current site was not suitable for the type of contracts it hoped to attract and said new premises would convince businesses bosses it could deliver. The company’s staff and supporters took part in a march to the town centre to demonstrate their commitment to the scheme before it went to committee in October.