AN AWARD-winning Bournemouth hotel is asking guests, visitors and friends to help decorate its Christmas tree with baubles containing pledges for needy causes.

After winning the Business Engagement with the Community Award at the Daily Echo backed Dorset Business Awards at the Lighthouse in Poole on Thursday night, the Norfolk Royale wants to share some festive cheer with the homeless and other vulnerable people supported by Bournemouth Churches Housing Association.

The Richmond Hill hotel also recently secured the best large hotel accolade in the Daily Echo backed Bournemouth Tourism Awards scheme.

Next to the hotel’s Christmas tree is an explanation of what much-needed donations could buy with £6 funding ten hot meals for a homeless person and £100 providing counselling for a victim of sexual violence.

The aim is to secure 100 pledges before Christmas. As money donations come in the tree will be gradually lit and decorated in the front hall.

Norfolk Royale general manager Simon Scarborough said: “We are really pleased to be able to show our support in such a tangible way and also share a little Christmas magic with everyone who takes part and receives the benefit of donations.

“Since Monday we have raised £769 which is incredible, with Poole-based construction company Greendale buying a £500 bauble.

“It’s all about putting something back into the local community; times are tough and many people end up for the streets through no fault of their own.

“We have employed homeless people and we deliver food to the night shelter at Christmas. Our staff are very aware of those who are less fortunate than them.”

He added: “Winning the Dorset Business Award is absolutely fantastic; we were nominated by BCHA which makes it even more special.”