DAILY Echo readers are being urged to roll up their sleeves and show some festive spirit by giving blood this December.

For while many people will be celebrating with friends and family, others will be undergoing life-saving treatment and emergency care, so the National Health Service Blood and Transport (NHSBT) is calling on people in Dorset to make a date to donate.

It is part of a campaign to recruit 100,000 new donors in 100 days to protect blood stocks.

Earlier this year, The Daily Echo ran a campaign – Mine’s a Pint – to encourage more people to donate blood and raise awareness of the need.

Every year new donors are needed to replace existing donors who drop out of the system but this year, the need is more urgent after a dramatic decline in the number of younger donors signing up.

NHSBT lead donor relations manager Jonathan Sewell said: “While we appreciate people are often very busy shopping for presents and planning get-togethers at this time of the year, donated blood is needed just as much as ever in December.

“We are keen for younger people and those who haven’t given blood before to get in touch so that they can become the lifesavers of the future.”

Dates of forthcoming blood donation sessions: • Rossmore Leisure Centre, Poole – December 14 • Upton Community Centre – December 18 Anyone aged between 17-65, weighing more than 50 kg (7 stone 12lbs) and in good health can donate. There is no upper age limit for donors who have donated in the last two years.

For details or to book an appoi-ntment, call 0300 123 23 23 or visit blood.co.uk.

Case study: Angie Jones

Angie Jones has been giving blood for around 25 years.

But after reading about the Echo’s campaign earlier this year she has helped to recruit more donors – including her youngest son.

Angie, who is friends with Natasha Jones, who had a life-saving blood transfusion after being diagnosed with leukaemia, said her son Joe was inspired by Natasha’s story and wanted to do his bit.

Angie who lives in Broadstone, said her two other sons already give blood.

“It is such a worthwhile thing to do,” she said. “It is painless, and can help so many people.”