AN ANIMATED film created by students at Bournemouth University has won two awards at international film festivals.

Almighty Doodles, made by computer animation and sound design students as part of a coursework project last May, has been awarded with both audience and jury prizes.

Director Simone Giampaulo, who is now in his third year of a BA Computer Animation Arts degree at the university, entered the video into one-minute film festivals in the USA and his native Switzerland.

The 23-year-old was even able to attend the One Minute Film and Video Festival in his home country to see the film win the Audience Award.

“The festival was awesome but I didn’t expect the film to win any prizes,” he said.

“At the end of the day, this short was nothing more than a university assignments and I think it’s really nice, and it makes us proud that something we did for university could be screened abroad and watched by hundreds of people.”

The group won a trophy and a camera, which they will share between them and use for future projects while studying.

To watch the video, visit