THERE is a lack of “retained” on-call firefighters in Dorset.

The fire service has been holding open days as it bids to fill gaps at 17 out of the 23 stations across the county which are used by the part-time firefighters.

And full time fire fighters are being made available at two of those stations while new recruits are being searched for.

Craig Baker, deputy area commander for Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, said they are managing the shortfall by using staff from other areas to fill in.

“We have got some shortages we can fill and that can be four or five positions at a station,” he said.

Mr Baker said full-time firefighters from Weymouth have been made available at Portland and full-time “retained supports” have been needed for Shaftesbury.

On-call or “retained” firefighters are part time.

In Dorset around 350 firefighters - or 56 per cent - are retained.

They must live or work within four minutes of a station to be called upon in an emergency.

Some firefighters respond even-ings and weekends from their home with others available from their place of work, with their employer’s consent. Some can do both and be on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Mr Baker stressed that there is “no question of any towns or villages being unsafe” and they are constantly looking at taking people on because of the turnaround in staff.

Mr Baker said the minimum needed at any one time to get two fire engines out with retained crews from one station is 12 firefighters.

He said: “We are tight on getting the second fire engines out on some occasions.”

For more information on becoming a retained firefighter visit or call 01305 252600.