IT’S been announced that the former Coronation Street star Beverley Callard will not be appearing as Mari Hoff in the production of The Rise And Fall Of Little Voice this week at the Lighthouse Poole.

According to a spokesman from the venue, Beverly has been advised not to perform due to illness and an understudy will replace the actress.

The show must go on and actor and performer Ray Quinn will take the starring role in the heart-warming show tomorrow.

Written and directed by Jim Cartwright, the show also stars Duggie Brown as Mr Boo and young singer Jess Robinson as ‘Little Voice’.

Ray, who plays the part of Little Voice’s friend Billy, now lives in Poole with his wife Emma and young son Harry.

In this heart-warming northern fairytale, shy Little Voice spends most of her time immersed in her late father’s record collection and perfecting her astonishing impersonations, much to the dismay of her fun loving, out of control mother Mari.

Overheard singing by Ray Say, a hapless talent scout and Mari’s man of the moment, Little Voice is propelled to stardom as Ray sets about creating the show of the century in a dingy local working man’s club.

With an agent from London coming and everything counting on this one performance, Mari and Ray’s ticket to the big time rests squarely on Little Voice's shoulders.

The Rise And Fall Of Little Voice is at Lighthouse in Poole from April 15 to 20 at 7.45pm with 2.30 matinees on Wednesday and Saturday. See our review of it here