Extracted from the artisan bread course ‘Bread at Bere Farm’ this enriched bread is enhanced further with curry, fruit chutney and hot brie and is perfect for feeding a small group of people.


Serves 12

  • 1 x brioche dough (see below)
  • 250g homemade fruit chutney
  • 1000g whole brie
  • 1 large egg yolk, to glaze

For the brioche dough:

  • 500g strong white flour
  • 30g sugar
  • Half a tsp curry powder
  • 50 – 75ml tepid water
  • 30g fresh yeast
  • 10g salt
  • 5 eggs, beaten
  • 200g butter, softened

Pre-heat oven to 200c, gas mark 6.

Make the dough by blending the yeast with a little tepid water.

Sift the flour onto a work surface and make a well in the centre.

Add the sugar, salt, curry powder, eggs, yeast mixture and remaining water.

Mix the dough until smooth, lump-free and elastic.

Beat in small lumps of the butter, either by hand or by transferring to a mixer.

Transfer to a clean mixing bowl and allow to ‘prove’ until doubled in size.

Once proved, chill the brioche dough for at least three hours before use.

For the assembly: ‘Knock-back’ the dough and roll two-thirds into a neat circle, 30mm larger than the brie.

Spoon the chutney onto the brioche disc and spread to within 30mm of the edge.

Place the brie into the centre and brush with the egg glaze.

Bring the sides of the brioche disc around the cheese and fully encase using a second circle – using the remaining third of the brioche dough.

Turn the Brie-in-Brioche over so that all the joins are underneath then decorate using the back of a knife.

Allow to ‘prove’ until doubled in size then brush with the remaining egg glaze.

Bake in a hot oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until dark golden brown then allow to cool for 10 minutes before cutting into thick slices.