Arturas Tamulionis is the head chef at The Kitchen Club in Riverside Avenue, Bournemouth.

Having started his career in Europe, Arturas moved to England where he gained three years’ experience at The Regents Park Marriott Hotel.

He left London for Christchurch, where he worked with Gary Rhodes for a year, before taking up his current role with The Kitchen Club.

Arturas has a passion for cooking and especially for food with a Mediterranean twist.

Here he shares his delicious burger recipe.

The barbecue season may have been and gone but home-made burgers taste good all year round.

This is quick and easy to make but is as far removed from a fast food takeaway as you can get.

Making your own burgers also means you know exactly what’s in them and can season to your own taste.

Plus, they are a guaranteed hit with the whole family.

To make two good-size burgers:

  • 1/2kg minced beef
  • 1 small white onion
  • A clove of garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon of finely-chopped fresh thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon of finely-chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sauce
  • Worcester sauce to taste
  • Salt and pepper

Finely chop a small white onion and place in a preheated pan with cooking olive oil.

Cook for 20 minutes on a very low heat, add a pinch of salt to prevent the onions from burning.

Once the onions have become a golden brown and all juices have evaporated, take a clove of finely-chopped garlic and the thyme and add to the pan. Mix well and continue to cook for another minute.

Add the cooked onions and the parsley to the minced beef, along with the Worcester and brown sauces, before mixing well.

You can now shape the burger patties and leave them to set in the fridge for a few hours – adding a tablespoon of breadcrumbs to the mixture will help with the setting.

When the burgers have set, they should be cooked in a hot frying pan for three and a half minutes on each side. Just before removing the burgers from the pan, add a knob of butter to add flavour and increase the moistness.

Serving suggestion: Dress your roll with rocket leaves, a slice of tomato, two red onion rings and Swiss cheese accompanied by a lightly pickled gherkin and homecut chips.