Love Bunny Pie

Serves 8-10

3 tbsp olive oil

25g butter

800g rabbit meat, diced

200g pancetta, diced

½ head of celeriac, peeled and diced

2 carrots, diced

4 shallots, diced

2 heaped tbsp plain flour

500ml dry cider

300ml chicken stock

25g dried porcini mushrooms, soaked in a little hot water for 10 minutes

200ml double cream

2 tbsp wholegrain mustard

A small bunch of tarragon, chopped

A small bunch of rosemary, leaves picked and chopped

Sea salt and black pepper

For the topping:

375g puff pastry

1 free-range egg, lightly beaten

Heat the oil and butter in a large pan, add the rabbit and pancetta and fry until lightly browned. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.

Add the vegetables to the pan and fry until lightly coloured.Stir in the flour, return the rabbit and pancetta to the pan and mix well.

Pour in the cider and stock, add the porcini and their soaking liquid, then bring to a simmer. Cook gently, uncovered, for about 25 minutes, until the vegetables are just tender. Add the cream, mustard, tarragon and rosemary and season to taste. Spoon the mixture into a large pie dish and leave to cool.

Preheat the oven to 180C/gas mark 4 and roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to about 3mm thick. Brush the edges of the pie dish with beaten egg and lay the pastry over the top, pressing the edges down to seal.

Brush with beaten egg and make a small hole in the centre for the steam to escape. Bake for 35-40 minutes, until golden brown.

• Pieminister: A Pie For All Seasons by Tristan Hogg and Jon Simon is published by Transworld, £17.99.