Fidget Pies

Serves 4

450g premium butchers-style sausages

30ml chopped parsley


2-4 pears, peeled, cored and quartered (or whole)

Runny honey

1 packet puff pastry

Egg and milk beaten together for glaze

Preheat oven to gas mark 4-5, 180C/350F

Slit sausage skins and remove meat, place meat in a bowl – discard skins. Mix sausage meat together with parsley and seasoning.

Divide meat mixture between 2-4 individual pie dishes (about 250ml size) and lightly squash half the meat into the bottom of each dish.

Place two pear quarters on top of meat mixture (or the whole pear) and drizzle with runny honey (about ½tsp). Top with remaining sausage meat. Divide puff pastry into 2-4 depending on number of dishes and roll out pastry to make a lid for each pie. Place pastry on top of pie and brush with egg and milk. Bake in oven for 40-50 minutes until pastry is well golden. Serve hot with seasonal greens or cold in a large wedge with chutney.