Switzerland: Raclette (serves 6)

• 1 large wedge raclette preferably Gomser, Conches or Bagnes if you can find it. (about 1 pound)

• 1 dozen cooked small new potatoes, unpeeled

• Assorted pickled garnishes: cornishons, pickled onions, caper berries

• 1/2 pound sliced Bundnerfleisch (air dried beef)

Traditional Raclette Machine If you have a traditional raclette machine (with heat coils) prepare as directed by the manufacture. Heat the cheese and scrape onto warmed plates. Serve with accompaniments.

Raclette Grill If you have raclette grill slice the cheese and place on the warmer trays. Heat according to manufacturer's instructions. Serve with accompaniments.

No Special Equipment?

Not a problem. Slice a 4oz portion of cheese for each serving. Remove the rind from the cheese and place on an ovenproof plate. Place plates in a preheated 450degree oven until melted and almost liquid. Serve with accompaniments.