COCKTAIL aficionados will not only recognise Scarlett O’Hara as the southern belle from Gone With The Wind – but also as the Southern Comfort-based cocktail launched back in 1939 to toast that romantic, epic movie.

Southern Comfort’s roots lie deep in the southern state of Louisiana, where it originated 135 years ago.

To celebrate its ‘Big Easy’ heritage, a new cast of characters have stepped into the limelight to showcase the latest winter cocktails from New Orleans’ favourite liqueur.

Model, musician and ambassador for Southern Comfort, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, oozed old-school glamour in a vintage dress when she recently visited the renowned French Quarter to give her verdict on the new Southern Belle cocktail created for her.

She described the beverage as “charming, easy to make, and distinctly New Orleans”. Why don’t you be the judge of that and try it at home?

Southern Belle

35ml Southern Comfort

10ml elderflower cordial

Cranberry juice

Fill a glass with cubed ice and pour in Southern Comfort, add elderflower cordial and top with cranberry juice, garnish with lime and lemon wedge.

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