HAVE you ever wondered what it would be like to take your two favourite meals and put them together to make one ‘super-meal’?

It’s a wonderful thought, but could it actually work? Lasagne and curry? Maybe even fish and chip ice cream?

How about combining the traditional dishes of two different cultures?

Well that’s what the brave people at Bella Italia have done, creating the “Brit-alian Breakfast Pizza.”

The pizza contains sausage, egg, bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes to complete the breakfast on a pizza experience - and you can get it throughout November.

Fancy recreating this fusion of favourites? Then try this recipe courtesy of the Taste team.

Full English Breakfast Pizza

Serves 2

For the base:

120ml lukewarm water

1 tbsp active dried yeast

175g strong white flour, plus extra for dusting

half tsp caster sugar

1 tsp salt

half tsp ground pepper

1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for brushing

For the sauce:

1 tin of chopped tomatoes

1-2 garlic cloves, chopped

half onion, finely chopped

tomato puree

6 finely chopped basil leaves

For the topping:

4 rashers bacon, grilled and sliced

2 portabello mushrooms, sliced

2 tomatoes, sliced

1 sausage, grilled and sliced

1 free range egg

Preheat the oven to 200°C.

Pour the warm water into a bowl and add the yeast, stirring until dissolved – set aside for ten minutes.

Sift the flour into a bowl and add the salt and pepper. Stir olive oil into the yeast mixture until well combined.

Make a well in the centre of the flour mixture and pour in the water, yeast and oil mixture, mixing to form a soft, sticky dough.

Little by little add the mixture until you have achieved the correct (stiff) consistency (if it is too stiff add a dash more water).

Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and lightly flour your hands then knead the dough for ten minutes until it is smooth.

Lightly oil a large bowl, put the dough inside and cover with cling film then set aside in a warm place for 1-2 hours.

When the dough has doubled in size, remove the cling film and remove from the bowl. Knead again until smooth and shape the dough.

Place the dough in a well-floured pizza tin.

For the sauce sauté the garlic and chopped onion for two minutes. Add a tin of tomatoes and reduce it down to a paste sort of mixture – low heat for about 15 minutes – too watery will make the pizza soggy.

Season, add a generous amount of tomato puree and the chopped basil. Blitz using a handheld blender and using a big spoon spread the sauce around the pizza base.

Arrange the grilled bacon, sausage, tomatoes and mushrooms on top of the sauce.

Crack the egg into a mug and carefully tip it out onto the centre of the pizza, then bake for 20 minutes.