by Beverley Beck

I AM a confirmed panto fan and I was very much looking forward to seeing Robinson Crusoe. All Saints' production did not disappoint.

From the beginning, it was bright, colourful and energetic. It’s hard to mention everyone in a cast of nearly 50 people, but there were several standouts for me. The children’s chorus were adorable and stole each scene they were in. The UV scene under the sea was a particular favourite and special mention must go to Kevin Knight as King Neptune – what a fabulous voice, such a shame he wasn’t further forward on the stage.

Rachel Forsdike as Robinson, Ella Josey as Jenny worked very well together as did James Webb and Fizz Pringle as the comedy duo of Ali Cante and Benny Dorm Rosie Hodgkinson made the most of her part as Olive Oyl and I was very impressed that she managed to keep up that voice throughout the whole show!

Special mention must also go to the four-piece band – excellent!

If you have the time, do get along to see this panto. There are only five more performances left and it would be a shame to miss it!