It’s generally accepted that should humankind find interplanetary fun in the future, it’ll comprise some kind of sordid western frontier with aliens, mutants, alien mutants and guns the size of the Pleides system.

So Borderlands hasn’t exactly mounted the originality pony here, but it has hitched the wagon of hilarity to the mustang of enjoyment and milked dry the rabid goat of weapon selection.

The superb cartoon rotoscope-esque graphics return from the original, as does the biting script spouted by the colourful cast of Pandora, most of whom would like to make large holes in your person.

To combat their desire for rendering your torso a flaming bag of meat, you’ve a gun selection so vast there’s no hyperbole to do it justice.

First-person shooters don’t often come squashed with this much mouth-frothing good stuff. Embrace it with gusto.