
  • Diabetes is not a walk in the park!

    Eddie and I have been on a bit of a merry-go-round this week. Between us it has been the seesaw of highs and lows. Whilst Eddie has been experiencing dangerous high levels (20 and above), I have been enjoying low levels under 6, normal for people

  • Traffic calming call after fatal accident

    Residents at Sandbanks, Poole have called on the council to implement traffic calming measures following the horrific incident in which two pedestrians were killed. Sandbanks Association members are urging measures to slow traffic in Banks Road and Panorama

  • Boss Harry spurs on Luke’s family

    TOTTENHAM boss Harry Redknapp is to help fulfil the wishes of tragic Luke Barnes’ family. Spurs mad Luke’s mum found him dead in their Westbourne swimming pool at the weekend. His parents wanted mourners to wear his beloved club’s strip

  • Sausage roll still king in Bournemouth and Poole!

    OUR love of pies knows no bounds and researchers say the market will be worth more than £1bn a year by 2012. Sales of pastry-based savouries are increasing by about five per cent a year in the UK, says market research firm Mintel and the most popular

  • All White on the night

    BOURNEMOUTH’S hospitality industry celebrated its achievements at the annual Best Bar None Awards. The black tie event at the O2 Academy in Boscombe saw Chilli White being awarded the top prize of the night – the best bar in town. The venue also picked

  • Boscombe fun day and concert raises funds for Nick's wheelchair

    BIG-hearted visitors to a free concert in a Boscombe bar have helped to fund a new set of wheels for a young man left badly injured by an attack in the town. Residents who turned out for a community day to celebrate the transformation of troubled Roumelia

  • The Hole director Joe Dante on why it's good to scare

    HE delighted audiences with Gremlins in the 80s, and now director Joe Dante is back with a movie to thrill a new generation of cinema goers. The Hole is a 3D tale that stands out as one of the more chilling 12A features, not because of its excess or

  • Our Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is truly scrumptious...

    A dad has spent months turning a clapped out 1976 Land Rover in to this sparking full-sized replica of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Stuart Wallis stripped the 34-year-old wreck down to its chassis, engine and wheels before painstakingly transforming it in

  • Missing schoolgirl found

    A MISSING schoolgirl has been found. Police became increasingly worried about Victoria Carpenter, 15, when she disappeared from the Great Dorset Steam Fair. The Eastleigh teenager, who hadn’t been seen since Sunday, September 5, is said

  • Waiting for Daniel O Donell

    HARDCORE Daniel O’Donnell fans have set up camp outside Bournemouth International Centre in a bid to bag front row seats for his show. Tickets for the star’s December 2 Christmas show go on sale early on Saturday morning. But by around

  • Tributes to Brian Leverett

    POOLE Council leader Brian Leverett died suddenly on Friday morning. The 69-year-old leader of the Conservative administration of Borough of Poole collapsed at the Civic Centre and was rushed to hospital where he was pronounced dead.

  • 'Use speed cameras on a random basis'

    With a drastic reduction in speed cameras likely, a Poole councillor has made a plea for the random operation of those due to be switched off. If the axing, forced by a dramatic budget reduction is approved by Dorset, Poole and Bournemouth

  • Dorset Apple Cake

    This recipe for a Dorset apple cake is an award winner. It comes from Bournemouth’s Greg Coomer whose version of the classic wowed judges in a contest for Dorset Food Week in 2006. Dorset Apple Cake 225g self raising flour 1 tsp

  • Good hearty food at the White Hart Inn

    IT was a blustery day with threatening clouds in the sky and shafts of bright sunlight making the view ahead look like a fabulous stage set. We were driving through the beautiful North Dorset countryside, and feeling somewhat peckish, so were pleased

  • Van-tastic send-off for Fiona

    A POPULAR Southbourne gardener was given a colourful and unusual send-off following her death from cancer. Fiona Hughes’ self-declared “scatty and unconventional” family organised a funeral with a difference as a tribute to the 52-year-old.

  • Jamie's American Food Revolution: Scorn in the USA

    TAKE a large lump of meat, stuff with a giant piece of tongue, add a selection of half-baked American vegetables, mix together, allow to simmer for about an hour and, lo, you have the perfect recipe for a new Jamie Oliver cookery show. Everyone’s favourite

  • Street party at new-look Bournemouth triangle

    AN event will be held on Saturday to celebrate the transformation of Bournemouth Triangle. Free entertainment will take place from noon until 10pm to show off the area’s recent £274,600 facelift. In the afternoon there will be family fun, with clowns

  • I'm giving 'Bernhardos' the sack - literally

    I HOPE the people of St Pranciskus Asyzietis parish in Lithuania enjoy my donation. Despite the Daily Echo’s coverage of some suspect charity bags being delivered in Bournemouth, “Bernhardos” still turned up to collect mine, filled with nothing

  • Meet the abandoned hedgehogs spared a bleak future

    SHE lies on her back in my cupped hands, exposing four tiny paws and a round, furry belly. Her spines are still quite soft, as she’s only eight weeks old. This baby hedgehog, nick-named Hazel, is just one of what Angela Squires calls her “autumn

  • Only 30 responses to Bournemouth consultation exercise

    I was interested to note that only 30 people responded to a council consultation exercise, the subject of which was whether we should have an elected mayor. My feeling is that the apathy shown was more to do with the limited awareness of the consulation

  • Cutting up crusty about price of toast in Boscombe

    TWO slices of Farmhouse toast with butter and marmalade, jam or Marmite etc – £3. Gatwick Airport or perhaps the Ritz? No – in Boscombe, a few hundred yards from the main street. So if you fancy a bit of breakfast on the way on the beach, do glance at

  • This spider story has legs...

    I am staying with a friend living in Bournemouth who has given me a cutting she kept for me about Harry the Spider. She knew that I too have a spider resident in the right-hand wing-mirror of my car. I call my spider “Spidee” and he is greatly admired

  • Thanks for joining the party spirit

    The Richie Keefe Life and Soul Trust featured as the sponsored charity at the annual Party in the Park held at Ashley Cross Green in Lower Parkstone on Sunday, September 5; thousands of people turned out in spite of damp, autumnal conditions to enjoy

  • Let's stop this vandalism in Poole

    ON FRIDAY, September 3, I went for my usual walk down to the Cabin at Baiter for a chat and coffee, but sadly, the Cabin had not been opened due to broken glass and bottles spread everywhere. I helped to clear up the glass, which could have caused a

  • Dismayed by 'shabby' Bournemouth

    I HAD occasion to visit Bournemouth for the first time for over a year last week and picked up a copy of the Daily Echo with a headline “It’s a Pig Sty”. I have known Bournemouth since the 1940s, when the town was promoted as a family resort with

  • Be a lord (or lady) of the dance in Bournemouth

    In response to the letter by A Robin Davies on Tuesday, the Pavilion Dance classes programme is trying to provide an alternative dance offer in Bournemouth with classes such as contemporary rock, Appalachian clog and Persian dance as well as established

  • Rubbish piles on the pressure

    IT’S our most frustrating social misdemeanour, but would suspending street cleaning have any impact on the culprits who turn our town centres into rubbish tips? It certainly seems to have worked in Manchester, where more than eight tons of

  • Will statistics prove the point about Wessex Way speed limit?

    SO, councillors are hearing that the Wessex Way 40mph limit is reducing accidents. At least safety manager John Satchwell seems savvy enough to acknowledge that they need a more representative picture before a final decision is made. Whether this should

  • Sister - Rosamand Lupton (Piatkus Books, £6.99) ***

    DON'T be fooled by the dodgy title or the twee cover, this book is very good indeed. A thriller that begins almost at the end, it tells the story of Beatrice and her quest to discover how, and why, her sister Tess died. To Beatrice, every one’s a suspect

  • Bournemouth railway bridge repairs cause traffic misery

    RAILWAY bridge repairs are causing delays for rush-hour motorists who use the Wessex Way. A 12-week scheme is under way to refurbish Bournemouth railway station overbridge which supports a section of the Spur Road to the east of St Paul’s roundabout.

  • Speeding surgeon: If you ban me, people could die

    A TOP surgeon has escaped a driving ban after asking magistrates: “What if someone dies?” Chest consulant Khalid Amer claimed patients’ lives would be put at risk and it would cost the NHS tens of thousands of pounds if he was forced off the

  • A31 road plan will ease Ringwood traffic concerns

    A MAJOR £9.5 million road improvement scheme will ease congestion in and around Ringwood. Plans proposed by the Highways Agency have been flagged up in a county council transport access plan for the New Forest market town. The project involves extending

  • What lessons can be learned from saga of laptop porn?

    A SPECIAL meeting to review what lessons need to be learned from Bournemouth council’s recent computer porn inquiry will take place in October. The meeting aims to deal with the widespread dissatisfaction expressed by councillors and residents at the

  • A Change for the Better - Pamela Fudge (Hale, £18.99) ***

    I fOUND this book easy to read and also came across a situation that could happen to a lot of women. After the departure of her alcoholic husband, and also her mother, Jo finds herself with time to take stock of her life. On doing so she does not like

  • Speedway: Havvy's ready to step into the title cauldron

    ONE of Gary Havelock’s dreams is to help his beloved Pirates lift the Elite League title, a feat he never achieved during his flamboyant spell with the club from 1998 to 2002. But he showed he was ready to give it all he has got again to finally secure

  • Cherries: Stewart expected to push keeper Jalal

    JASON Tindall believes Cherries number one Shwan Jalal and new signing Jon Stewart can push each other on to better things. Stewart yesterday bolstered Eddie Howe’s squad by sealing a two-year deal with the Dean Court club, as revealed on the Daily Echo

  • Smith: Christchurch made me love game

    MARK Smith last night paid tribute to Christchurch, insisting the Hurn Bridge club made him fall in love with football again. Smith last week rejoined Wimborne Town after a three-year stint at the Wessex League club, turning in an assured 90-minute performance

  • Swans in talks after cup blow

    ROBERT Elford has revealed Swans’ play ers held crunch talks about the club’s direc tion after Bournemouth crushed them in the Dorset & Wilts Cup final. The Purbeck outfit’s players were left badly beaten and embarrassed after seven- try Lions

  • Havelock's ready to step into the title cauldron

    ONE of Gary Havelock’s dreams is to help his beloved Pirates lift the Elite League title, a feat he never achieved during his flamboyant spell with the club from 1998 to 2002. But he showed he was ready to give it all he has got again to

  • Cherries: Harry will play on, but faces surgery

    EDDIE Howe has revealed that Harry Arter could face hernia surgery – but the talented playmaker is set to report for duty at Oldham tomorrow. The former Charlton Athletic midfielder has impressed since arriving from Woking as one of Cherries’ summer

  • Cherries: Fletch's warning over Feeney class

    STEVE Fletcher has underlined the threat posed by familiar foe Warren Feeney and believes Cherries’ defence will relish the challenge of facing his old strike partner. Cherries could come face to face with the former Dean Court frontman,

  • Joe is confident in former Cherries trainee's quality

    MENTOR Joe Roach believes Tom Hill has all the attributes to re-ignite his dream of professional football. Former Cherries trainee Hill, who joined Bashley following his summer release from Dean Court, has plundered five goals in the past

  • Killick swoops for former Cherry Rowe

    TOM Killick admitted the signing of former Cherries trainee James Rowe was too good to pass up. Poole Town boss Killick has one of the largest squads in the Sydenhams Wessex League and revealed he wasn’t looking to strengthen further – until Rowe became

  • What's On Live (September 17-24)

    ART Robert Golden – Lighthouse café, Poole (until December 31) Cruising with the Queens – Southampton City Art Gallery (until January 30) Bournemouth Arts Club: Views of Bournemouth – Russell-Cotes Gallery, Bournemouth (until

  • Carry Me Home - Terri Wiltshire (Pan Books, £7.99) ***

    TOLD in two stages, this is very well written. The year is 1904, in Lander, Alabama. Emma claims she has been raped and the townspeople lynch a black hobo. After she gives birth to a white baby Emma has no love for him and he lives as an outcast. Emma

  • The Other Guys (12A)

    IT has been almost four years since Will Ferrell starred in Stranger Than Fiction, a film that could justifiably claim to be a comedy without arousing the suspicions of trading standards. Undeniably, he is a gifted mimic and with the right