

    BIG Billy Paynter's second-half hat-trick condemned injury-hit Cherries to a crushing 4-1 defeat at Swindon Town. The 23-year-old was gifted a soft first as Cherries hit the self-destruct button after battling back to level Simon Cox's seventh-minute

  • Candy

    This is Candy, she is 7 years old and lives with her daughter Pebbles and her 'friend' Tinkerbell she spends half her life outside and the other half eating and sleeping!! She is a lovely cat. Sent in by Emma.

  • Wellie

    Wellie is a very playful cat who came to us from the RSPCA and has now taken over the house. Both she and her sister are very noisy and always like to make their presence known - particularly in the middle of the night. Sent in by Gillian.

  • Louby

    This Cool Cat is Louby. She is four years old and loves cheese. Sent in by Michaela.

  • Pebbles

    Introducing Pebbles, she is 6 years old and lives with her mum Candy and friend Tinkerbell. She always has her tongue out like in this picture and is always up for a hug!! Pebbles spends her life eating sleeping and bugging people for cuddles she is a

  • Tinkerbell

    This is Tinkerbell she is around 2 years old. She was brought as a present for my mum for her birthday she lives with her friends Candy and Pebbles. She is a very active cat who loves kisses!! She is quite playful but can be very affectionate, very cute

  • Millymogg

    This is our cat, Millymogg and when she's not sleeping she's getting into all sorts of mischief. Sent in by Nige & Tina.

  • Dawn & Dusk

    Here are our two wonderful kittens Dawn and Dusk. Dusk already has his photo on 'The Gallery' but here is his beautiful tabby sister Dawn with him. Donkey is their playmate and usually suffers several attacks a day. So nice to see them all sitting pretty

  • Charlie

    This is Charlie, he is mad and fat but very lovable. Sent in by Angie.

  • Porsha

    This is my cat Porsha, she is 10 years old! She can be a nutter at times acting like a kitten and is very talkative! She loves hugs and is generally a very cool cat. Sent in by Katie.

  • Freddie

    This is Freddie, our 2 year old tabby, named after Freddie Flintoff after england won the ashes. He is quite mischievous, a bit like Freddie himself, but we love him! Sent in by Ollie, Marie and Cameron.


    SHOPKEEPERS are demanding a pigeon cull on the streets of Bournemouth. They say the birds are causing a "horrendous" mess and putting off customers. And they say they pay their business rates, so Bournemouth council should do the deadly deed. "We are

  • Kennett wants win for Oakes

    EDWARD Kennett has stressed Great Britain want to lift the junior World Team Cup in Germany tomorrow as a special thank you to team manager Peter Oakes. Oakes, who is also Coventry's joint team boss, has played a major role in the development of youth

  • Record will 'never be broken'

    MATT Ford has stressed dropping Craig Boyce "isn't the perfect way" for the Pirates legend to leave the club. But the Wimborne Road chief added that Poole Castle Cover's leading all-time league and cup points scorer "took it the way I expected him to

  • Bond's sympathy for luckless Marvin

    KEVIN Bond described rookie midfielder Marvin Bartley's latest injury setback as a "desperate shame". It is thought that Cherries' former non-league star has Gilmore's groin, a problem common in footballers and named after Jerry Gilmore, who originally


    KEVIN Bond's tireless player search has paid dividends with former Cherries loan star Marc Wilson returning to the club on a month's loan. The deal comes with an added bonus for the Dean Court outfit - they are getting the talented Pompey youngster absolutely

  • Paramore tipping England

    SAMOAN legend Junior Paramore has backed under-fire England to reach the World Cup quarter-finals ahead of his home nation. Former Gloucester back row Paramore, now forwards coach of Bournemouth Lions, played in three World Cups for Manu Samoa, racking