I AGREE with Richard Grant (Have Your Say, September 16), that the flyover and BIC are the eyesores in Bournemouth, not the Imax building.

What plans does council leader Peter Charon have to also demolish these and other buildings he dislikes?

On the same day Bournemouth council asked which of its services should be facing biggest cuts in funding.

It is too late to stop the surf reef now.

What about cutting other non-essential services such as the purchase of the Imax?

That will save millions that could be better spent.

The council’s last accounts show the Pavilion and BIC showed a deficit of £11.5 million so their expertise in managing leisure services does not impress.

Come on Peter, show some leadership and concentrate on managing the council’s essential core services funded by your reduced budget.

Do not destroy the Imax, which was approved after extensive debate by your very own council.

Perhaps they appreciated something that you cannot.