I am writing with regard to your article headed Illegal Parking Is “A Good Thing” (Daily Echo, October 26).

Like many, I am astounded that a head officer for parking enforcement should respond in such a way, especially to a carer who may have to transport his wife.

As one who does have to chauffeur a disabled loved one several times a day, I know the importance of visibility and access when entering and exiting properties and, unlike those who park anywhere, I cannot. Every driver knows speed is only one aspect of road safety.

Our local roads are made far more dangerous by parked cars.

Thank you for highlighting this important issue and revealing the lax attitudes of yet more public servants.

In this particular instance, despite the response of Bournemouth council environment services director Tony Williams, I doubt that either attitudes or practices with regard to road safety will change sufficiently to protect the rights of the residents they serve.

Did the parking officer enquire what Mr Roberts’ special needs might be?

If Mr Bolland’s response to Mr Roberts was, as reported, not in line with procedures, will he be disciplined? Has he apologised to Mr Roberts?

How will Mr Bolland be changing the procedures of his department in order to protect the rights of residents with regard to road safety (i.e. visibility, access, ease of passage)?

Will Mr Bolland be retrained? If his quoted comments about illegally parked cars are accurate in their context, then his understanding of road safety clearly is not of the required standard for someone in his position.

Lisa Hoerder, Avon Road West, Christchurch