HAVING read much in the past about crop circles, the area in which I live has its own “circle” problem.

Some weeks ago a company arrived and began putting in new lamp posts, in particular in Wharcliffe Road, Beacon Drive, Ranelagh Road and Maple Close.

Soon after they were in place large holes were dug around the base of these new lamp posts, to be surrounded by red circles (rings) of plastic to prevent, I suppose, anyone falling down the holes.

Whole portions of footway are now impassable, and work seems to have come to a halt.

Can we assume that some time in the future work will continue again, with the old posts removed, and the new ones glowing in all their glory?

It seems to have been an awful long time since the work started to where it has now arrived at. This once attractive area has been turned into a most unattractive mess, with hole, poles and “lamp circles” dominating the footways.

M JEWELL, Maple Close, Highcliffe