OUR pavements are becoming a battleground with increasing pressures on space and safety.

The Government introduced electric scooters as a “green” initiative which some councils are trialling on a hire basis.

BCP Council are trialling e-scooters with “Beryl” - the same operator as the Beryl bikes - aqua coloured with marked collection bays.

Government scheme hired e-scooters have different rules to those privately owned. Hired scooters are allowed on roads and cycleways - privately owned scooters are not. Neither are allowed on pavements.

Throughout the Covid crisis - we have been encouraged to exercise and walking has proved beneficial for our fitness, physical and mental health and the environment. However, now we see some cyclists and e-scooter riders on pavements - approaching at speed, without sound. Law enforcement is difficult and riders know this.

Hired e-scooters on roads are not safe for riders or motorists.

It only takes one pothole or loss of balance to fall off - causing injury, accident or potential death. Helmets are not compulsory - which raises concern about head injury.

To test your balance for scooter riding - stand with one foot behind the other and arms narrowly stretched forward.

This is more unstable than a child’s scooter using one leg to stand and the other to propel, balance and stop. Bicycles have better stability with a centred riding position and larger wheels.

Pavements were designed for use by pedestrians and those using mobility scooters.

If pedestrians feel unsafe walking - they will use a car for short trips or give up walking locally.

This will negate all the green benefits of previously safe and uncluttered pavements - which were enjoyed by everyone.


Creekmoor ward

Nightjar Close, Poole