WITH regard to waste and fly tipping at the end of last week I was cycling past the Somerley recycling site Verwood Road, Ringwood and there were two long pieces of light fragile plastic attached to the bushes on the approach to the site.

Wanting to do my bit for queen and country I then removed it and took it to the waste entrance to hand it over so they could put it in a bin.

The person in charge told me that they couldn’t take it as anything on the main road is classed as fly tipping.

In the end a kind gentleman at the front of the queue told me to put it in the back of his car and they let it go through anyway.

How can something so simple be so complicated and what was all the unnecessary fuss and hassle about when you are only helping them and it probably wasn’t even fly tipping?

Apparently, you are supposed to take a photo and upload it to the Hampshire County Council fly tipping site which is daft when I am right beside a site and it would have taken longer to get done.

We seem to be going backwards. Instead, the site should be employing someone to check along the road twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon but not at peak times in order to keep it litter free.

Another area that needs to be looked at is the banning of cyclists and pedestrians at these sites up and down the country.

It should be as easy to get rid of waste for those that do not have vehicles as those that do, without discrimination.

While living in Derbyshire I was always taking stuff to the local waste site using my bicycle and bicycle trailer for many years without any problems.

I am also baffled as to why there is a ban on pedestrians when the minute they step out of their vehicle on site they become pedestrians too.

Don’t forget the vast majority of those excluded will be paying council tax as well so they are entitled to the service.

Supermarkets, shopping centres and elsewhere have busy times with vehicles all over the place and reversing as well as people and bikes around but they still function so I think that the waste and recycling plants should have to do the same and not always make the excuse of health and safety.


Stevenson Avenue,
