I HAVE to say something about being hungry or even ‘starving’.

Your correspondent is way off the mark. I am living proof as to how wrong he is.

I am one of 14 children being brought up I the 1920s and 30s. The only money coming in was dad working in the gasworks. His earnings just about paid the rent with very little left to feed our large brood.

My older brothers and sisters were leaving home through marriage or, my sisters especially, working in service for their keep.

In those days there were no benefits of any kind, no family allowance, just Dad’s wages.

I can remember going to school without even a slice of bread, going home at lunchtime to probably a slice of bread and jam, such was our way of life.

The war, oddly enough, was a bit of a life saver. My older brothers, who were left from the services, got jobs that through over time and increased wages gave Mum a few bob extra and though we were rationed, food was more plentiful. Our school even cooked cheap meals for us kiddies, as did the ‘British Restaurant’.

With the number of food parcels and free meals being handed out, ‘starvation’ is way off course.

Choose your words more carefully.


St Margaret’s Road, Poole

Looking bookish