MORE than 96 per cent of patients in Dorset were admitted, transferred or discharged from A&E within four hours, new figures show.

It comes as the Dorset Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) health and care partnership is one of only five areas in the county to be rated as outstanding in the first national STP progress dashboard.

The achievement was published by NHS Improvement and NHS England and staff at Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Dorset County Council have praised the hard work of its staff.

The STP progress dashboard measures performance across a range of key areas including emergency care, safety, general practice and prevention.

The aim of the dashboard is to capture the performance of STP areas across the country - including Dorset which serves a population of more than 750,000.

The dashboard further shows that in Dorset: nearly 92 per cent of patients waited 18 weeks or less from referral to hospital treatment; 80 per cent of people are happy with their General Practice opening times and 85 per cent of people diagnosed with cancer received treatment within 62 days of referral.

Tim Goodson, leader of Dorset STP and chief executive of Dorset CCG, said: “In Dorset we are ahead of many other STP areas as we are already seeing partners working closely together, breaking down organisational barriers to improve services and make them sustainable for people who live across the county both now and in the future.

"The dashboard published today recognises the hard work of everyone working in Dorset, showing that we are performing well in a number of key areas.”

Cllr Jill Haynes, chairman of the System Partnership Board and deputy leader of DCC, said: "It's great that the partnership of health and the three local authorities has been recognised in this way. This is a strong and positive start to a big journey for Dorset."