POOLE Tidal Energy Partnership is cresting a wave thanks to a £20,000 grant from the Department for Energy and Climate Change.

The funds have been used for an energy audit of Hamworthy schools, Upton House and other buildings, highlighting the importance of adequate insulation and draught-proofing as well as using sustainable energy sources.

“It has been a bit of a mad rush,” said Andy Hadley from Transition Town Poole, one of the group partners.

“We learned we had the money in February and had to spend it all wisely by the end of March. But this has provided us with a real boost.”

Ideas are being shared with the community through workshops and several of the group made educational visits, some to see community district heating systems in Sweden and others to a conference in North Wales.

The team plan to build the case for a district heating system and 27 students from three different schools at Bournemouth University have made the PTEP project part of their studies.

A group travelled to Bangor to the Power of the Sea conference and students teams are looking at ways to harness power locally for community benefit.