If the title of this blog was shown to the approximate 15 million young people of Britain I'd doubt they'd be able to keep up with a decent conversation regarding this topic, regardless of whether they found it interesting or not, because they simply wouldn't know enough.

After a local MP came into my sixth form to eaves drop into our student voice meeting I became concerned when a fellow sixth former thought he was 'Bournemouth’s Prime Minister'.

After that brief, yet embarrassing encounter I've realised that I barely knew enough about politics until I got involved with Youth Parliament, an organisation which is not sufficient enough to individually support and provide political education to the young people of the UK, as it's just there to represent them, which makes it imperative to do something about it.

I'm really concerned about my generation, I don't think anyone can fathom how much I worry about the future of 'Grand Britannia', we're currently receiving the worst of everything, which is leaving us all with very little prosper for the future and dreams that are becoming squashed, like the voter turnout.

Top dogs in Parliament suggest that young people 'don't express their political opinion' enough but their opinions aren't expressed because they don't have any sufficient enough to express... Young people are NOT learning enough about politics in their schools in order to help them progress in life, it's not out of their own choosing, it's out of that of the Government, and what little they do learn, they learn it in a hopeless subject some know as 'Citizenship'.

Anyhow, I feel that political education should be made a compulsory part of the curriculum in all UK schools which would provide the somewhat 15 million young people with the chance to develop a political opinion, the chance to get involved with making the decisions which will affect them and many more to come.

As it seems as though our schools are churning out generic young people who think that Justin Beaver is Prime Minister and One Direction and The Wanted make up the House of Commons, of which, fortunately, they don't.

Theoretically, political education will increase voter turnout, as people will be educated in what they want, what will benefit them and which party truly represents their views. Valid opinions will be expressed opposed to 'silly' ones that will just face harsh criticism.

Lastly, it will create a wiser nation of people, who will be sharper when it comes to the government making all the big decisions regarding the harsh, dark mess that is considered as our future.

It's understandable why the Government are denying young people Political Education, as young people are relatively smart, know how to get what we want (not by rioting), and realistically, are the future of the world - we could cause such a stir if we didn't know anything about it, yet if we did, we'd be able to make the world a better place, for ourselves and those to come.