MOREBUS is urging parents to organise bus travel for their children sooner rather than later. 

Thousands of pupils will be returning to school in less than two weeks giving enough time to make arrangements. 

The Poole-based bus operator’s dedicated school tickets are now available for sale, and parents can buy them via its website to gift them to their child’s app account.  

“If their child goes to a school that isn’t on a dedicated school bus route, we now have zone A, zone B and zone C, 30 and 90 day tickets available,” said Nikki Honer, Morebus head of communications.  

“We launched these earlier this year in partnership with BCP Council, with funding from the Government’s Bus Service Improvement plan (BSIP), and they are already proving popular.  

“Those who are not travelling on dedicated school buses will need to pass a one-off verification process before they can travel using their app - so we are urging families to organise this as soon as possible, rather than leaving it until the last minute.” 

For more information about school bus travel, including timetables and ticket prices, please visit individual school and college websites, or