DORCHESTER Prison will be the location of two ghoulish hunts.

Ghostly tour guide firm Haunted Happenings is holding the first of two spooky events at the abandoned jail, off North Square, on Saturday, October 2.

The history of Dorchester Prison is vast but in short it was built on the site of an old medieval castle in 1154, which emphasises how old the grounds are where the prison now sits.

Dorchester Prison was completed in 1795 and was a place of many executions. Perhaps the most famous was that of Martha Brown. Amongst the audience of nearly 3,000 people was a young Thomas Hardy.

The tour company said the prison, which closed in 2014, is 'rife with ghostly activity' with reports of cell doors slamming, keys jangle and stones being thrown by unseen hands.

The second ghost hunt is on Saturday, November 6.

Both events are set to take place between 9pm-3am.

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