ON Sunday I like many others sat down to watch the football match between Manchester United and Liverpool, unfortunately for safety reasons it was cancelled.

This was all to do with the protest against the American owners, protests have taken place at other clubs in the Premier League mostly against the fact that they are under foreign ownership and the fact that these owners tried to form a super league.

Sadly, this it’s part of the bigger picture, due to successive governments allowing businesses in this country to be owned by mega rich people and countries.

Ownership extends not just to football clubs but also many companies and utility firms throughout the UK, laws should be and should have been introduced so as to prevent this.

Whether it be football clubs, utility firms or private companies, the owners have no allegiance to the people of this country.

Let’s not forget they are in it purely to make money at our expense.

Over the years we have paid to high a price for oil and commodities from a number of countries who now are so rich they buy up football clubs and businesses for a past time.

If we’re not very careful most of the UK will be owned by rich oligarchs, Arab countries and China and we will be at their mercy in more ways than one.


Harkwood Drive, Hamworthy