I WAS interested to read your article relaying the good news that additional funding has been received to continue the development of the Bournemouth BeachCheck app.

It's definitely a good concept, and I can see it having wider utility through expanded functionality over time.

I've been trying to find out who I might contact to make a small suggestion to the developers.

The red / amber /green traffic-light colour coding is a useful feature, but for those of us with deficiencies in our colour vision it is not easy - sometimes impossible - to decode the visual mapping on the app.

One-in-12 men and one-in-200 women in the UK have red/green colour deficiency, so quite a wide audience that might need some help through reconsidering the colour coding used. It may be a question of changing the balance of intensities between these three colours without losing the traffic-light concept.

Are you able to pass this suggestion on to the development team, or let me know who would be the right person to contact directly?

Hugh McDowall
