THOUSANDS of parents now face the daunting task of teaching their children from home, following the governments’ decision to close schools.

Primary and secondary schools have been told to move to remote learning for most pupils, whilst this year's GCSE and A-level exams have been cancelled for a second year running

The decision was made after the UK's chief medical officers recommended a move to Covid threat level five.

However, following an appeal by the Echo asking how parents and carers are planning on dealing with teaching from home, parents, teachers and students have responded with varying advice.

Some residents have suggested a structured routine to the day and a varied approach to learning.

Joanne Edwards said: “Have a routine but don't stress about it. Kids thrive on discipline and knowing what to do when which is why sticking to a normal school timetable can be helpful where possible.

“But obviously lots of other factors at home so you have to be flexible and not get too hung up on it. Just use it as a guide.”

Anna Grundill added: “Get them all together, let them play, have social skills and computing skills. They learn about life and happiness, responsibility, chores and duty of care from young age.

“Homeschooling is education.”

However, some key workers have expressed their deep concern and worry about caring for the offspring, let alone homeschooling.

Natalie Hodges said she has felt “stressed” since the government’s announcement on Monday evening.

She added: “My children have two critical workers, and the school is ‘dancing’ around the fact that they still need to go in.

“If I could stay home and keep them home I would.”

This was echoed by secondary school teacher Hayley Bennett, who said that she “feels sick” at the prospect of homeschooling her two children.

Some parents have advised that homeschooling cane conjure up a stressful environment in the household, and reiterated the self-care is equally important during these testing times.

“I never homeschooled and both my kids have SEN and degrees,” said Lucy Wilcox.

“Please do not stress about schooling your children. Just learn about things and enjoy the time together.

“Learning is fun if not forced. Leave that to the professionals, with their excellent teaching degrees”

Jade April who has an almost four-year-old, said: “We planned to homeschool anyways.

“Nothing has changed here for us, but we do miss the soft play trips and potential friends we are missing out on which is very sad.

“It’s exhausting yes but I’m happy we are safe, and I hope others who have denied this is happening realise the importance of staying home as much as possible.

“I don’t know anyone who’s had or recovered from the coronavirus and I’d like to keep it that way.”

Many parents, however, have reminded others of the bigger picture, reiterating the same message to “count your blessings”.

Sarah Ward has had to spend years begging for education support for my two daughters who were both too unwell to attend school.

She said: “Count your blessings if you are at home with healthy children.

“Once they had exhausted all options to bully me and my children and following more huge struggles, they were finally given access to home learning via online and tutors.

“The older of the two was able to find what lit a fire inside her and will hopefully start a fashion design degree at Bournemouth Uni this year.

“Count your blessings those of you who function in our ableist world and who’s kids are miraculously being offered access to education from home.

“For anyone with illness or disability their reality is genuinely a struggle every day, Covid or no Covid.”

El Warren added: “Be kind to yourself. No one is superhuman.

“We all make mistakes. We all have different thresholds of tolerance and patience. So just be kind to yourself.”