I hate to say it, but I think that Bournemouth has become disgusting. I cannot speak for the whole of the town but my wife’s recent experiences on Sunday September 6, whilst walking our two dogs in Meyrick Park, definitely suggest things are not right.

It is a regular walk for her as it is for many other dog walkers. On this occasion the two dogs disappeared into the undergrowth for a few moments. My wife then noticed a dark blue tent hidden in the bushes together with rubbish on the ground. Fearful that there might be some human waste near the tent, she took hold of the two dogs. On close inspection a pile of human faeces was found and discarded syringes, one of which had blood in it. It was clear that the two dogs had been eating the faeces.

On returning home both dogs were immediately given vomiting agents and thankfully have made a full recovery. However in July when the same thing happened at Meyrick Park in a different location, one of the dogs showed clear signs of having ingested drugs, with incoordination, excessive salivation and drowsiness. Similar reports have been made by other dog walkers. This subject was highlighted in the Daily Echo on the June 12 when residents showed concern over homeless sleepers in the park. It maybe that since that time, Covid has added to the problem.

Meyrick Park is a most beautiful and peaceful area for the residents of Bournemouth to walk through and enjoy. It is one of a number of amenities we have at our disposal and we have to protect them. It is a terrible shame that dog walkers and others may be put off by this letter and indeed frightened by what they may encounter.

Having posted on Facebook to warn others, which reached over 7,500 in a few hours, there is clearly a great depth of feeling about this subject. What would visitors to the area think of the people of Bournemouth and the management of Meyrick Park, if they allow this to continue?

This problem has been going on for years and is clearly very difficult to erase. With the response on Facebook being as large as it has been, we have to be careful that vigilante groups do not form to take matters in their own hands. After all, most of us have a mobile phone and we could (and should) report our findings on a regular (daily) basis and act as ‘wardens’. Our experience shows that there is potentially a serious Health and Safety issue out that that must be addressed with needles and HIV. It is such a shame that hundreds of people are being affected by the disgusting habits of a few.

Perhaps a ‘Friends of Meyrick Park‘ should be set up. Action please and fast.

Henry Feilden BVSC MRCVS

Poole Road Veterinary Surgery