BOURNEMOUTH MP Tobias Ellwood has said calls an exit from the coronavirus lockdown and return to normality are "premature".

Writing on Twitter, Mr Ellwood said the UK must prepare for a long journey passing through three distinct phases, each subject to fresh challenges.

He said: “Only with a vaccine is there a genuine ‘exit’. Who gets it first has a head start.”

The first phase outlined by Mr Ellwood is extending the lockdown which will impede the spread of the virus.

The second phase is post lockdown to pre vaccine. This involves retaining many social distancing measures and a phased easing of restrictions. Schools can begin to reopen in this phase.

The final phase is rolling out a vaccine. If a vaccine is discovered in the West or in the UK, restrictions can be “swiftly lifted”.

If it is discovered in China, however, the UK will be in a “lengthy queue” which will extend phase two.