WALKING through Brighton and Hove we were approached multiple times for money, this is regular occurrence as well readers know and is not shocking but is intimidating.

What was really shocking was passing Aldi in London road early in the afternoon and seeing a group of junkies openly snorting some white powder with a distressed black Labrador, people walking past and small children (approximately 5-9 years old) standing very near them.

I have read about this but thought something must be happening to sort this out by now but obviously it’s not.

No security, no police, nothing. These people are left to get on with it.

What is going on in Brighton?

I have lived here for 30 years it has never been as bad as it is now. The streets are filthy, graffiti everywhere and beggars on every corner.

Unfortunately there are many in Brighton who cannot see that taking pride and looking after the place you live is important.

‘It’s petty, a waste of time, money and energy, money that could be spent on directly helping people in need, who cares that we walk through a place that looks like landfill and people openly abusing drugs’.

Meanwhile we are creating a generation of people who will grow up thinking this is normal and acceptable (or maybe we have already created a generation that thinks this).

I know this has been said countless times and is falling on deaf ears but witnessing the scene outside Aldi was devastating, anger inducing and left a feeling of total powerlessness.

Name and address supplied