I AM very glad to see that Lib Dem Cllr Vikki Slade, with thumping mandate of 2,899 in Broadstone on the largest turnout in the conurbation, is seeking to put together an alliance of progressive parties.

Well done Cllr Vikki Slade. We so need fresh new thinking in our new council. Conservative Janet Walton, proposed new leader of BCP council, was swept away in her ward by thumping majorities from Poole People and an Independent candidate.

Mrs Walton with a vote of 527, one of the lowest in the conurbation for a sitting councillor, and the loss of 33 Conservative seats in BCP, surely speaks volumes that our towns are crying out for a fresh new start.

I for one very much hope that Poole People, led my Mark Howell, a party doing brilliantly with now seven councillors, along with Christchurch Independents, and other indies, and Labour group, will put aside differences and work together with Lib Dems for the best for all in our towns.

As for John Beesley, he tells the Echo the Tories still have the "biggest party" and that puts the Tories "in a very strong position".

Who wants to work with the Tories? Between you all you have done so much damage to our towns, and country. You have alienated millions. Read the tea-leaves John: people are sick to death of Tory austerity, destroying the very fabric of our country.

MARTIN COOPER, St Luke’s Road, Charminster