THE giant pile of rubbish in Boscombe's Haviland Road has got bigger, a resident has claimed.

Two weeks after the Echo highlighted what has been branded 'an illegal tip' in a space down the alley connecting Haviland Road with Christchurch Road, the resident, who asked not to be named, said: "More things have arrived there."

She now believes the festering pile - which can be seen on Google Earth - could be attracting other rubbish dumpers, after spotting an old mattress abandoned in an empty space adjoining Number 91, and yet more items discarded by the bins in the passageway by the flats at the road's entrance.

"It's a general dumping ground and seems to be a magnet for fly tipping," she said.

Another resident contacted the Echo to complain about the area beside the flats.

"On top of them are piles of festering dumped rubbish that has been like it for weeks," he said. "I’ve been quite fascinated to see how long it will be before the piled high rubbish accumulates to such a height that it just falls over. The council must be aware of it, as the bin collection understandably, hasn’t taken place there for quite some time but nothing seems to be done."

Bournemouth Borough Council said it was aware of the difficulties in Haviland Road and was addressing them.

Targeted Enforcement Manager, Sophie Ricketts, said: “Action has been taken and we are currently following due process to ensure this is cleared as a priority."

She said the other site was 'under investigation' having been reported in the last few days.

"Where land is unregistered and unadopted, identification of relevant parties is more challenging, however work is being undertaken to address the issue.”