I NOTE in your editorial on the letters page (October 2) that at the end you say, and I quote, "It's pretty much a given that business would back a 'people’s vote'”, another term for a second referendum!

Given that business constantly say that the Brexit uncertainty is causing them problems and many even say that they welcome Brexit and the fresh opportunities it can bring, I am not sure exactly what you base this on.

After all, the Brexit process would have to be delayed even further to allow for the necessary legislation to be passed. Then of course, should the vote be the same as before, the process would have to be started all over again. Then, of course, would the Remainers ask for another vote? Businesses would face more uncertainty.

Many polls say there is no appetite by the people for a second referendum. I think you should be honest with us readers and say outright that you do not respect the result of the first referendum and not hide your views in vague, unsubstantiated comments.

RAYMOND Pike, Kingston Road, Poole