OH, what joy it is to be served by Bournemouth Borough Council.

As a resident and council tax payer I was a bit miffed to find that the council in their glorious wisdom want to concrete over a former play park in my area and turn it into their constant obsession, flats! An already overcrowded part of Bournemouth (Crescent Road) is to be made more overcrowded and we get to look forward to the parking troubles and congestion that comes with it. This with no consultation with the people of the area whatsoever.

All of this would be more palatable if the council hadn’t absolved itself of responsibility in other areas, namely maintaining any kind of order in the Lower and Central Gardens. Daily I witness speeding cyclists, aggressive vagrants, drug takers and vast amounts of litter blighting the gardens. All the council seems to care about is the building of flats and not one iota about their true responsibilities. In their ivory tower, the people that run this town don’t realise or care what an absolute dump the town centre and gardens is becoming. They would do well to remember in their hubris that nemesis often follows.

GARY BELCHER, Crescent Road, Bournemouth