Regular exercise makes you fitter, healthier and instigates a “happy” hormone release making you feel tip top. Try the exercises below and find out if you can experience the benefits after three weeks!

Some more exercise facts to get you moving:

During exercise your heart pumps blood carrying oxygen and nutrients to your working muscles. Blood also removes waste products from the muscles helping your body to stay healthy and less toxic. Regular movement and exercise provide huge gains in improving physical health and all round wellbeing.

We have all seen someone we know improve their body shape dramatically through taking part in exercise. Combine this with government and NHS recognition that exercise can help prevent life threatening illnesses, and you have two worthy calls to take action. Join me in completing the exercises in this article and online, who knows, you may just love it.

If you tried the exercises from Seven Days, hopefully you’ve gained some basic fitness and boosted your co-ordination, strength and endurance. This issues workout is a little longer and harder, so start off steadily.

If you missed workout one last week, review the 3 key points and exercises here

Remember all exercises carry risk and if you have any contra-indicatory factors or are unsure of your health you should consult your GP. If you feel unwell, experience dizziness, chest or joint pain then stop exercise immediately and seek assistance.

A pre-exercise warm up and post-exercise stretching programme are included in the online article, use them to warm up and cool down.

Now lets try some more exercises. Mimic my movements and posture in the pictures below, and hold onto something solid to help with balance. Repeat each movement 6-20 times, move slowly (2 seconds in each direction) and breathe deeply. If you feel like you can, perform up to 3 sets of each exercise with no more than a 60 seconds rest period.

Video on how to warm-up

These videos contain general ideas for fitness and healthy living, but they are  not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice for you as an individual. You must take personal responsibility for your own safety and well-being. Performing exercises can pose a risk to the exerciser, so before exercising check any equipment you are using is in good condition and be sure to know your own limits. You should consult a doctor if you have any questions regarding your health or the suitability of any fitness programme.

Exercise: Side lunge

Muscles worked: legs, inner thigh, shoulders, postural muscles

Bournemouth Echo:

Bournemouth Echo:

Start by taking a very wide stance and maintain a neutral spine. With both feet facing forward, keep the left leg straight and bend the right knee keeping the centre of the knee in line with your second toe. Be careful as this will also stretch your inner thigh. Return to the start position and repeat for desired number of reps, then change sides.

Exercise: Sprint start

Muscles worked: legs , shoulders, arms, postural muscles

Bournemouth Echo:

Bournemouth Echo:

Copy the start position demonstrated in the picture. Try to keep your hips and legs relaxed, but brace your shoulders and keep abdominals tight. Make a very small jump and switch your left and right leg position, then repeat.

Exercise: Kneeling elbow to knee crunch

Muscles worked: abdominals, bum and hip, shoulder

Bournemouth Echo:

Bournemouth Echo:

From the start position demonstrated in the picture, simultaneously flex the right hip and the torso from the left shoulder until your right knee and left elbow gently touch. Concentrate on your tummy muscles as they are helping your torso to rotate so that the elbow and knee can meet. Return to start position and repeat.

Exercise: Wide Leg squat

Muscles worked: Legs, Bum, inner thigh, postural muscles

Bournemouth Echo:

Bournemouth Echo:

Take a wide stance with toes turned outward. Make sure the centre of the knee follows your second toe as you squat. If you go too wide you will not be able to align knees and toes. Aim to keep good spinal alignment with shoulders back. Squat down no lower than parallel with the floor, then return to start and repeat. Use a chair for balance.

Exercise: Half Jack

Muscles worked: Calves, outer and inner hip muscles, shoulders

Bournemouth Echo:

Bournemouth Echo:

Avoid if you have any ankle, knee or hip injuries. Take it steady when you begin - if you complete this exercise fast it will really get your heart and lungs working, don’t over do it! Start with feet together and hands touching your sides, then jump your feet laterally outwards simultaneously raising your arms laterally to shoulder height. Land then jump back in to the start position and repeat.

Exercise: Tricep dips

Muscles worked: Back of arm, front of shoulder and upper chest

Bournemouth Echo:

Bournemouth Echo:

If you have wrist injuries avoid this exercise. Use a chair or bench, this exercise is harder the straighter your legs are, start with legs bent to 90degrees. When you dip down your elbow should be well below your shoulder, with your elbows tucked into your body.

Exercise: Bicycle crunch

Muscles worked: Abdominals

Bournemouth Echo:

Bournemouth Echo:

Imagine your legs are pedalling on a bike. Touch your left elbow to the opposite knee or vice versa. As you “peddle” you twist the torso to touch the opposite elbow to the knee. Try not to tense up during this exercise, stay relaxed and let the movement happen. Repeat the desired number of reps and relax.

Exercise: Back extension

Muscles worked: Lower back muscles

Bournemouth Echo:

Bournemouth Echo:

Avoid if you suffer from low back pain. Lie with you nose touching the floor, and keep your neck in line with your upper spine. You are using you lower back muscles to raise your head, neck and chest off the floor. Move more slowly on this exercise than with the others, you will give more benefit to your low back by moving slowly. Once your chest is off the floor hold for a second, then lower and repeat.

Video on how to stretch

These videos contain general ideas for fitness and healthy living, but they are  not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice for you as an individual. You must take personal responsibility for your own safety and well-being. Performing exercises can pose a risk to the exerciser, so before exercising check any equipment you are using is in good condition and be sure to know your own limits. You should consult a doctor if you have any questions regarding your health or the suitability of any fitness programme.

Everyone on the planet has the potential to be fit, last years Paralympians proved what can be achieved. In my eyes those awe inspiring guys and girls have raised the bar – we can all improve our health and fitness.

Do yourself a massive favour and if you are not doing any exercise already –give it a go for three weeks, and see where it takes you, I hope it is some place good – exercise has worked wonders for millions of others – it can for you too.

If you are serious about getting fitter and healthier, try setting yourself an exercise goal – e.g I am going to use Kris’s online programme on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and take a walk or jog on Tuesday and Saturday. Be realistic, commit to your plan and make an exercise diary. See if you can get three weeks of ticks in boxes.

Find me on my Facebook page (Kris Cann Personal Training) or Twitter @KrisCannPT and get in touch if you have any questions or if you think that personal training or small group exercise is for you.

See you next time - Kris